Participles and their adjectivised, substantivised forms in the work Diwani Lughat-at-Turk by M. Kashgari




M. Kashgari, Diwani Lughat-at-Turk, verb, participle, adjectivisation, substantivisation, word formation


In the study of the history of the formation and development of the Kazakh language, ancient and middle Turkic monuments occupy a special place. The study and analysis of linguistic forms in the work of M. Kashgari «Divan lugat at-turk» is one of the urgent tasks today. Although this work has been widely studied in the literary and historical context, it has not yet been fully studied from the point of view of linguistics and the theory of Kazakh linguistics. Therefore, this article analyzes the participles in the «Dictionary» of M. Kashgari, as well as their adjectival and substantivized forms. This topic is considered for the first time in Kazakh linguistics.

Author Biography

  • A.O. Akzhigitova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

    PhD student


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Kazakh Linguistics

How to Cite

Participles and their adjectivised, substantivised forms in the work Diwani Lughat-at-Turk by M. Kashgari. (2024). Qutty Bilik, 1(1).

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