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Author Guidelines

The publication of materials in the journal is conducted through the Open Journal System, which is an online submission and peer review platform.

The corresponding author is required to submit a cover letter for publication in the journal.

Requirements for Authors:

  • The editorial board of the Qutty Bilіk” journal of the International Association of Teachers of Kazakh Language accepts articles that have not been previously published in scientific fields (as indicated on the website). Articles must be submitted in electronic format (.doc, .docx, .rtf) ONLY through the journal’s website using its functionalities (Open Journal System).
  • Font size: 12 (for the abstract, keywords, and references: 10; for table text: 9-11), font type: Times New Roman, alignment: justified, line spacing: single, paragraph indentation: 0.8 cm, margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, left and right – 2 cm.
  • Figures, tables, drawings, diagrams, etc., should be presented directly in the text with their respective numbers and titles (e.g., Figure 1 – Title of the Figure). The total number of figures, tables, drawings, and diagrams should not exceed 20% of the overall length of the article (in some cases, up to 30%).
  • The length of the article (excluding the title, author information, abstract, keywords, and bibliography) should be no less than 3,000 words and no more than 7,000 words.
  • Authors MUST indicate in the cover letter submitted via the Open Journal System that the article/manuscript has not been published elsewhere and does not contain excerpts from other works without proper citation.
  • The publishing fee structure and amount are determined by the publishing house, and the author must make the payment after approval by external reviewers and the scientific editor.

Structure of the Article (Please use the TEMPLATE for formatting the article):

Title Page:

  • The first line should include the IRSTI number (in exceptional cases, the UDC), aligned to the left, in semi-bold font (see
  • The article title (Title) should reflect the essence and content of the article while capturing the reader's attention. The title must be concise, substantive, and free of jargon and abbreviations. The optimal length of the title is 5-7 words (in some cases, it can be up to 12 words). The title must be presented in Kazakh, Russian, English, and Turkish. The article title should be in bold, in lowercase letters, and centered.
  • Authors of the article – full names (first name and last name), affiliation (Note: the full name of the university should be provided), country, city (this order must be maintained).
  • If multiple authors are from the same university, numbering is not required; numbering is only necessary if the authors are from different universities.
  • City and country should be provided in Kazakh, Russian, English, and Turkish; include an email address. Author information should be presented in standard font, in lowercase letters, and centered.
  • Below, in the center, the ORCID ID hyperlink should be included (Registration instructions can be found in the registered files at
  • The abstract must be between 160 and 300 words in Kazakh, Russian, English, and Turkish, in font size 10. The abstract structure should include the following mandatory elements:
    • The purpose of the research, main directions, and ideas.
    • A brief description of the scientific and practical significance of the work.
    • A brief description of the research methodology.
    • Main results and analyses of the research work, along with conclusions.
    • The value of the conducted research (the contribution of this work to the relevant field of knowledge).
    • Practical implications of the conclusions of the work.
  • Keywords/phrases – 5-6 in Kazakh, Russian, English, and Turkish.


Next Page (New):

  • The introduction consists of the following key elements: justification for the choice of topic; relevance of the issue; and research objectives. The justification for the choice of topic should indicate the existence of a problematic situation based on a description of previous experiences (lack of research, emergence of a new object, etc.). The relevance of the topic is determined by the general interest in researching this object; however, it is substantiated by the absence of complete answers to the questions, which highlights the theoretical or practical significance of the topic. Additionally, it should define the object, subject, objectives, tasks, methods, approaches, hypothesis, and the essence of your work.
  • The objective of the research is to present the proof of the thesis, i.e., it relates to the aspect of the research topic chosen by the author.
  • The "Research Methodology" section should describe the materials and the process of the work, as well as provide a comprehensive description of the methods used.
    • The description or characterization of the research materials should include their qualitative and quantitative representation. The description of the materials is one of the factors that determine the correctness of the conclusions and research methods.
    • This section describes the degree of study of the problem, providing detailed information without repeating previously established procedures; it involves identifying equipment (software) while necessarily introducing innovations in the description of materials and methods.
    • The scientific methodology should include:
      • Research question(s);
      • The hypothesis being raised (thesis);
      • Stages of the research;
      • Research methods;
      • Research findings.
    • The "Degree of Study of the Topic" section should encompass fundamental and new works by domestic and foreign authors, analyzing them in terms of the authors' scientific contributions, as well as addressing gaps in research that the author aims to cover in their work. The presence of many references that are not relevant to the work is NOT ALLOWED.
    • The "Results and Discussion" section allows for the analysis and discussion of your research results. A conclusion about the results obtained during the research is provided, and the main essence is revealed. This is one of the important sections of the article, where the results of their work should be analyzed and discussed in comparison with the corresponding results of previous work, analyses, and conclusions.
    • The conclusion and summary involve summarizing and concluding the results of the work at this stage; the author must confirm the validity of the proposed conclusion based on the obtained results, acknowledging changes in scientific knowledge. Conclusions should not be abstract; they should summarize the results of research in a specific scientific field, describing recommendations or possibilities for further work.
      • The conclusion should include the following points: what the objectives and methods of the research were; the results and conclusions of the research; the prospects for the research and possibilities for implementation and application.
    • The list of references should contain at least 15 titles, with 50% from English-language sources. If works are presented in Cyrillic in the bibliography, the list of literature must be provided in two versions: the first in the original language and the second in a romanized alphabet (transliteration).
    • The formatting of the list of literature in Kazakh and Russian must comply with GOST 1-2003, following “Bibliographic Record. Bibliographic Description. General Requirements and Compilation Rules” (requirements for publications included in the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan catalog).
      • The romanized bibliography should be formatted as follows: author(s) (transliteration - → (year in parentheses) → title of the article in transliteration [English translation of the article title in square brackets], name of the source in Russian (transliteration or English name, if available), publication details in English.

Example: Baitursynov A. (2003). Adebiet tanytkysh [Literary critic]. Research and poems. Almaty: Atamura. – 208 p. (In Kazakh)

  • The bibliography should be presented in alphabetical order, strictly corresponding to the works cited in the text.
  • For social and humanitarian disciplines, the style for formatting the romanized list of literature, as well as sources in English (other foreign languages), follows the American Psychological Association style (

Note: Authors' surnames are listed in alphabetical order (a comma is placed after the first name without a capital letter following it); the year of publication is indicated in parentheses after the surname, and the English translation of the title is shown in square brackets. All dashes and slashes should be removed (i.e., separators). At the end of the citation, if the source is in Kazakh, indicate (in Kazakh), and if the source is in Russian, indicate (in Russian), and so on.

This section should consider the following:

  • Major scientific publications and advanced research methods relevant to this field that underpin the author's work should be included.
  • Avoid excessive self-referencing.
  • References to publications by foreign authors are recommended.
  • The bibliography should include foundational works published by well-known foreign scholars relevant to contemporary science on the research topic.
  • References in social sciences and humanities texts should include the first author's surname and the year of publication in parentheses within the citation, along with the page number(s) indicated. For example, (Сыздық, 1991: 25). If there are multiple works by the same author published in the same year, letters ‘a’, ‘b’, etc., should be used after the year of publication. For example, (Уәли, 2001a: 15), (Уәли, 2001b: 22).
  • The bibliography must consist solely of scholarly indexed publications (articles in scientific journals, articles in scientific collections, articles in electronic databases with scientific editorial review and peer review: monographs; scientific collections; literature with scientific editorial reviews and commentaries). If the publication listed in the bibliography has a DOI number, it must be included.
  • All other types of sources should be provided with page-based automatic footnotes (footnote numbering must start at 1 on each page): dissertations, abstracts of dissertations, articles in conference materials without scientific review (including those marked as “articles published in the author's edition”), articles in the media (print and electronic); texts of official documents in various publications (decrees, orders, resolutions, programs, etc.), documents published on the official internet resources of organizations; texts of various works (artistic, journalistic); posts on social networks, etc.
  • All abbreviations of bibliographic details of archival documents should be separated by commas and written in lowercase letters (e.g., GA, f. 4, d. 2, l. 16). They are not included in the bibliography.

At the end of the article formatting, please check for the presence of spaces after all punctuation marks, especially in the bibliography (periods, commas, dashes, colons, slashes, and parentheses). Select the entire text. Click the font button, choose Times New Roman, size 12, text color Auto, and ensure there is no underlining. Click the paragraph button, set indents to 0, 0; spacing to 0, 0; and line spacing to single.

Note: The use of bold font and underlining is not permitted in the article; only italics are allowed.

At the bottom of the article, the name of the university, academic degree, title (if applicable), and contact information should be indicated once again.

You can use the Mendeley Reference Manager tool for formatting bibliographic references. The bibliography should include two references from English-language works and three references from articles in the Scopus database.

The article must be submitted in two versions through the website (Open Journal System). The first file should contain the full text of the article with the authors' names and details, and the file should be named after the surname of the first author (e.g., Sarsenbay.doc, Sarsenbay.docx, or Sarsenbay.rtf). The second file for review should not include the names and personal details of the article's authors and should be named after the first word of the article title (e.g., Qazirgi qoldanystagy.doc).

The cost of publication is 3000 tenge.


International Association of Teachers of Kazakh Language

Index: 010000

Address: Kazakhstan, Astana. Qabanbay Batyr St., 53

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Joint Stock Company «Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan»

IIC   KZ026017111000023908 – tenge


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Turkic Studies

Политика раздела по умолчанию

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.