The Heroic Concept: War Tactics and Strategy by B. Momyshuly




heroism, feat, fear, war, soldier


The article analyzes the military traditions of the people, which are based on the bravery and heroism of B. Momyshuly, a valiant son of the Kazakh people who went through a terrible war. The words and word formations of B. Momyshuly in A. Bek’s story about heroism, the military tactics and strategy of the hero, contributing to eternal life will be considered. Language data between the author and the character are given. Each word in the hero’s position is scientifically differentiated.

Author Biography

  • A.A. Tuymebekova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

    PhD student


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Literary studies

How to Cite

The Heroic Concept: War Tactics and Strategy by B. Momyshuly. (2024). Qutty Bilik, 1(1).