The meaning of one-syllable Turkic roots(based on the data of the Kazakh and Nogai languages)




Turkic languages, Nogai language, comparative-historical method, lexical-semantic approach, Turkic roots


This article examines the semantic characteristics of monosyllabic common roots in the Kazakh and Nogai languages, which belong to the Kipchak branch of Turkic languages. A semantic analysis of the roots «au,» «ar,» and «at,» as considered by the scholar A. Kaidar, is conducted for these languages.  The main objective of this research is to determine the process of semantization by analyzing the common monosyllabic roots in the Kazakh and Nogai languages. The primary focus is to expand the scope of comparative linguistics, lexicology, and semantics, and to study the general laws of meaning. We explore the idea of illustrating cultural connections between Turkic languages through the semantization of monosyllabic roots in Kazakh and Nogai languages. As a result of the semantic analysis, we observed that the monosyllabic roots in Kazakh and Nogai languages have undergone significant changes over the course of historical development. These changes were influenced by various extralinguistic factors. While a particular root might retain its original meaning in one language, in the other it might develop a new meaning through a process of semantic expansion or, in some cases, lose its original meaning entirely or transform into a different sema. Today, there are many studies being conducted in the field of linguistics following new directions. However, the analysis of comparative linguistics, the study of the Nogai language, and the examination of the semantization process highlight the value of this research.

Author Biography

  • Aigul Assenova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

    PhD student, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


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Turkic Studies

How to Cite

The meaning of one-syllable Turkic roots(based on the data of the Kazakh and Nogai languages). (2024). Qutty Bilik, 1(1).

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