Semantics of Root Verbs in «Diwani lugan it-turk» Dictionary by M.Kashkari




root verbs, universality, world view, semantics, frame, action verbs


The article deals with the semantics of common Turkish root verbs in M.Kashkari’s dictionary. The purpose of the study is to study and describe the structure and meaning of all-Turkish common roots from a cognitive-semantic point of view. Definitional component analysis, frame-semantic analysis methods were used as research methods. It is clearly proven in the science of Turkic studies that «verb roots» originate from the dictionary of M. Kashkari. By comparing these verbs with modern languages, definitions, synonyms, and the character of the combination in their linguistic usage from the corpus of the Kazakh language were determined. Linguistic materials were differentiated based on the appearance of common root verbs.

Author Biography

  • B. Kassym, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

    Doctor of Philology, Professor


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Kazakh Linguistics

How to Cite

Semantics of Root Verbs in «Diwani lugan it-turk» Dictionary by M.Kashkari. (2024). Qutty Bilik, 1(1).