The possibility of studying the dictionary «Divani Lugat It-Turk» using the CLIL technology in the history lesson


  • Zh.B. Kazhygalieva SEAO «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools» Author
  • А.Е. Ongarbayeva SEAO «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools» Author
  • Zh.B. Kdyralieva SEAO «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools» Author



history, source, original, CLIL technology, subject-linguistic approach


The article explores the significance of using historical sources in teaching the history of Kazakhstan, with a focus on the conceptual foundations outlined in state standards. These standards aim to develop students’ critical thinking and analytical skills. The article discusses the teaching methods employed in Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, including CLIL, which integrates language and subject teaching. A particular emphasis is placed on working with authentic materials, such as Mahmut Kashgari’s «Divani Lugat it-Turk.» The importance of adapting materials to students’ language proficiency levels is highlighted, as this fosters a deeper understanding of the historical context and enhances language skills. The authors emphasize that engaging with the «Divani Lugat it-Turk» dictionary will cultivate respect for national values and increase students’ interest in and appreciation for the history of their nation.


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6. Махмұт Қашқари. Түрік сөздігі / аударған А.Қ.Егеубай. – Алматы: Хант, –1998. – Т.3 – 597 б.

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Methods of teaching language and literature

How to Cite

The possibility of studying the dictionary «Divani Lugat It-Turk» using the CLIL technology in the history lesson. (2024). Qutty Bilik, 1(1).